Counselor Selection Process — YMA: Young Musicians & Artists

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Read about our Counselor selection process

On the final day of each session, the Current Counselors and Faculty fill out feedback forms regarding each Counselor in Training (CIT). The CITs are evaluated based on the following criteria: Leadership, interactions with younger students, respecting rules and proficiency in the CITs subject area.

CIT evaluations are reviewed by the Senior Counselors and the Camp Director in December (because of this timeline, if your CIT wants to attend camp regardless of whether or not they are interested in a Counselor position, we recommend registering for camp to reserve the spot).

Counselor Interviews are offered to CITs with the strongest evaluations in December. Those who do not receive an interview offer by the end of December have not been selected for an interview.

Not all CITs who interview are offered Counselor positions. Counselor offers will be emailed by the end of January.

CITs who are registered for camp and are then offered a Counselor position will be offered a full refund.

CITs who are registered for camp and are not offered a Counselor position and choose not to attend are subject to the same cancellation policies as all other campers as agreed upon in the Terms of Service at registration.