Health & Safety — YMA: Young Musicians & Artists

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Health & Safety at YMA!

For Summer 2025 YMA will not require Covid-19 vaccinations for campers, staff, faculty, or counselors; however, YMA strongly recommends that all participants stay current with all recommended vaccinations. YMA continues to follow the guidance set forth by the Oregon Health Authority for school settings to set policies for camp.

All of the information provided here is subject to change. YMA reserves the right to make changes to the vaccination requirements policy. The information listed here is for this summer only.

If you have any questions, please contact Kate at or 503-281-9528.

Our Promise↓

YMA is committed to doing everything we can to ensure a safe environment for our students, counselors, faculty, staff, and Willamette University. As developments and information are constantly changing, our policies and procedures may have to change accordingly. With the combination of testing, vaccination recommendations, and the nature of camp being a closed community, YMA has the ability to be a very safe and healthy environment. YMA is also working closely with state and local public health departments to maintain effective protocols for the identification and appropriate treatment of any illnesses that may occur at camp, including COVID-19.

With your help, this year's YMA will be another success.

Physical and Mental Health↓

YMA always has a nurse available on-site and we are directly across the street from Salem Health Hospital. We are ready to address any medical emergency from a scraped knee to a global pandemic.

YMA will also staff on-site mental health support. These have been difficult years for everyone, but it has been especially hard on our youth. These large gatherings may be overwhelming for some, and we will be there to support them.

On Campus↓

Willamette University is committed to providing a safe environment for the YMA community. YMA will be the only program with access to our program buildings. Your student will only interact with other members of YMA with the exception of necessary Willamette University staff such as (but not limited to) food service and security.


There will be a much greater focus on cleaning and disinfecting of dorms, classrooms, and performance spaces. The Willamette University facilities staff have always been extraordinary. We are working with Willamette to make sure YMA leaves windows of time where the team can come in and thoroughly clean spaces.

Dorms and Roommates↓

You may request a specific student to be your child’s roommate. Parents are not allowed into the dorms at any time including move-in days. Parents will be allowed to assist their camper on move-out days. Your student and their counselor will transport all items to and from the dorm.

Vaccines and Testing↓

YMA recommends that all campers, staff, faculty, and counselors are fully vaccinated unless they have a health exemption. To be considered fully vaccinated, the final vaccine shot should be received 2 weeks prior to the start of camp. Prior COVID infection does not count as vaccinated.

We recommend vaccinations due to the nature of our program. Students, counselors, and faculty are all in close contact twenty-four hours a day. Our community comes from all over the country. Some of our members have medical conditions that put them at higher risk or live in households with a family member that may be immuno-compromised. Many members of our community have watched loved-ones struggle with COVID infections.

Concerts & Performances↓

Concert and performance schedules will be announced in the 2025 Camp Welcome Packet. Only select performances will be available to the public. If you have any questions, please contact


If in the unlikely event YMA is forced to cancel, we will refund all payments. We are not able to offer refunds if a student cannot attend for testing positive or if a student leaves due to sickness or the presence of COVID-19 at camp. We encourage you to add supplemental insurance after registering for camp. While YMA will do our best to create a safe environment, we cannot 100% guarantee that our program will be coronavirus free. By registering for camp, you understand that there is always a small chance that your student could contract the virus.