Sponsor a Camper — YMA: Young Musicians & Artists

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Sponsor a Camper

Young Musicians & Artists (YMA) is the premier summer residential arts program in Oregon, and we want to share it with as many young people in our community as possible! We invite you to make a gift today and help bring a deserving student to camp this summer.

Making a Gift

Did your grandmother teach you to play the piano as a child? Did you realize just how deeply you loved writing when you attended YMA? Did your own child attend YMA and leave feeling confident and inspired? Pay those memories forward with a gift tailored to reflect what YMA means to you, create a scholarship to honor a family member, or acquaint yourself with YMA for the first time and share your love of the arts with a child through our programs.

  • Full Scholarship

  • Half Scholarship

  • or contribute a partial scholarship in any amount that fits your budget

Scholarships can be designed based on criteria including the following:

  • Program (Dance, Musical Theatre, Choir, or even an individual instrument like violin)

  • Financial need

  • Age

  • Gender

  • School district

  • and more…

To sponsor a camper today, contact kate@ymaarts.org.

YMA is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit and all donations are fully tax-deductible. Our federal tax ID number is 93-0910160.