Piano — YMA: Young Musicians & Artists

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Session One


Piano is open to any student, grade six through twelve, who has reached at least intermediate level (i.e., able to play a Bach 2-part Invention or a Clementi Sonatina). Piano students work in a positive and nurturing environment that focuses on improving technical skills, interpretation, and musical ability. Each student will receive a private lesson every other day. There will be one-and-a-half to two hours of individual practice time scheduled each day as part of the daily piano class schedule. Students should be prepared to make full use of the allotted practice time. Other class activities include discussion of theory, rhythm, sight-reading, and music history. There will also be opportunities for ensemble playing, classroom performance and outside performance. Students should be prepared to work on a solo or duet that will be performed in the final show.

Who is the right fit for our program?↓

Any student grade six through twelve who is actively taking weekly piano lessons and who has reached an intermediate level.

How do I know if I am at an intermediate level? ↓

The below pieces should help you determine that: (if you have questions please email us!) Clementi or Kuhlau Sonatina; Bach Little Preludes; Chopin B or E minor prelude

Do I need to know how to read music? ↓

YES. This is essential for your time here at YMA. You will need to be able to learn music on your own. While faculty is available for occasional guidance it is paramount that you are able to use practice time well and learn music on your own.

How is the day structured at YMA? ↓

Our days are spent together learning about the piano (its history and large amount of works), listening to recordings, sharing our thoughts while developing critical thinking and awareness, playing for each other in a masterclass setting, ensemble playing, practice time and lessons.

Do I get time to practice every day? ↓

YES. A daily hour and half session is carved out each day for individual practice.

what about private lessons? ↓

YES. You should expect to get a lot of guidance from our faculty during masterclasses, ensemble practice, and individual lessons in the afternoon practice time.

Do I get performance opportunities at YMA? ↓

YES. There are several opportunities for performance and you are expected to come prepared with one piece (or more) that is ready for performance (or almost ready!).

What is ensemble playing? ↓

Ensemble playing is new to the YMA Piano Program. As a pianist we don’t often get to play in orchestra so we have designated it as integral to our piano program. Four hand piano playing (two people in one piano, sometimes there’s more!) has a great tradition and wealth of music written for this particular ensemble. This ensemble playing is great fun and provides the opportunity to work on rhythm and listening, all necessary musical skills.

Are there any specific requirements for acceptance ↓

YES. In order to ensure that the entrance requirements are met we require a video audition to be submitted 4 weeks after registration. Videos must be submitted via YouTube Link. If you have any questions please feel free to email us. The video should include two contrasting musical works (they do not need to be memorized). Please include in your video two major and two minor scales and arpeggios of your choice in two octaves. Hand together preferred. Once videos are submitted, YMA will be in touch with any questions or concerns about your level and participation in our program.