Digital Photography — YMA: Young Musicians & Artists

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Digital Photography

Session Two

NOTE: Photography students will be required to pay an additional $75 materials fee.

If you see the world through a unique lens, the YMA Digital Photography program will help you focus that vision. You’ll receive instruction in composition, exposure techniques, black and white, and more while you experiment with communicating ideas visually. Daily shooting assignments expose you to a range of photographic themes and concepts. The Digital Photography group explores the neighborhood around Willamette University for inspiration and also visits YMA’s other programs, capturing actors, dancers, and artists at work.

You’ll be assigned an Apple workstation in the university’s state-of-the-art digital lab, where you’ll learn to organize and process your photos using the Adobe Suite of editing/developing software. Along with your personal photo projects, you’ll work as part of a team on group assignments, critiquing the work of other students as well as your own.

Your work will be featured in a gallery exhibit prior to Final Performance, which also includes a slide show featuring Digital Photography pieces. YMA Digital Photography students have also had their work shown at a gallery during the school year.

Each student must bring their own digital camera.

  • DSLR Camera (Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera) or MILC (Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera). The camera should have a fully manual mode to work with.

  • A fixed focal length lens, like a 35mm or 50mm lens (prime lens). Optional: Any additional lenses you might have.

  • 2x the storage media for the camera. Either an SD or CF card is usually what it requires.

  • Card reader if your cards are not SD cards.

  • Small camera bag that fits your camera, lens and accessories.

  • Tripod for your camera (please remember the baseplate)