Theatre — YMA: Young Musicians & Artists

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Session Two


The YMA Theatre program offers a rich and varied course that strikes a balance between focused discipline and playful creative expression. You’ll explore the world of theatre by creating theatre in this immersive program as you work with gifted professional teaching artists who will help you add tools to your “acting toolbox.”

During YMA, all Theatre students perform for their peers in a supportive atmosphere. Your YMA training will culminate in a not-to-be-missed Final Performance on the last day of camp. The performance, which takes place in front of family and friends, highlights the craft and culture of your YMA experience.

A typical YMA Theatre day begins with a group vocal warm-up, followed by vocal and physical training, personal connection to Shakespeare, character building, physical expression, improvisational technique, and ensemble development. Through rotating classes, you’ll get the chance to work with each instructor.

In addition to the daily training, you’ll have an opportunity to perform in an extracurricular acting scene during the Performance Showcase on the last Wednesday of camp to broaden your experience and stretch your creative muscles.